Pet Grooming Services
Additional Services
All grooming services are included with nail clipping, and ear cleaning. We offer additional services that can be added into your pets grooming appointment at your request, such as nail buffing or filing ($12) where we use an electric dremel to file and smooth out your dogs nails, while getting them as short to their quick as possible.
De-Shed Treatment
De-shedding treatments are available for all dogs, this is done during your pets bath. Especially formulated shampoo and conditioning treatment is mixed together, and applied directly to your dogs coat. It is scrubbed in by hand, and will sit for 15 minutes. This special formula will open up the hair follicles, allowing their loose dead coat to be released and shed out during the bath. The blow dryer and additional brushing that comes with the service will take care of the rest!

Skunk Baths
Did your pet get into a smelly encounter with a skunk? We've got you covered with our skunk baths. This treatment is applied to your pet while in the bath, and is done twice! Our special formula is mixed by hand and lathered on your pet while dry first. It will sit for 15 minutes, get rinsed, and applied again for another 15 minutes. It really works! Up to 95% improvement.